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Where the Wild Things Are ....

The past few years of my fishing time has been for the most part a mission to fish and explore most of the designated wild trout streams here in Pennsylvania, which is a pretty lengthy and growing list. It’s a mission that fits perfectly with my reclusive side; and small wild trout streams off the beaten path offer the escape into the kinds of quiet places I enjoy most, the places where the wild things are. I’ve been fortunate to fish quite a few streams across the state and have learned some remarkable things about wild trout in the process; but at the same time asking myself more and more questions about them that I haven’t found an answer for yet. I find populations of wild brown trout thriving in places that wouldn’t have held them 20 years ago, in streams that have never been stocked, in places that aren’t classified as trout water and in places many people would never suspect. I’ve learned about how much brown trout can and do move within stream and river systems to grow and expand their range. I find myself continually learning and having a deeper respect for these wild trout and the places where the wild things are …. Till next week …….. #ItsAboutTheFish #PAWildTrout


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