I’ve read that science has isolated a genetic predisposition among those of us that have a tendency or need to explore. I’m not at all afraid to admit that I have this trait, and the DRD4-7R gene is certainly a dominant trait in within my DNA. I choose to blame my parents for this and their lives and lifestyles reflected that behavior also and my kids both seem to have inherited it as well. For me the “wanderlust” trait keeps me ever on the move, frequently exploring new streams rather than staying confined to a list of favorites. There’s a constant passion for discovering new places and I’m fortunate to live in a state with over 86,000 miles of flowing water, which offers a few lifetimes of possibilities to roam without ever leaving Pennsylvania. This past weekend took me on an explore of a two new waters; both of which are well off the grid, and designated as Class A Wild brown trout streams. This week’s pic is from one of those beautiful little threads of water. Till next week …. www.ramsayflies.com #PAWild #ItsAboutTheFish
