November 2, 2019 is the annual banquet of the Pennsylvania Fly Fishing Museum Association in Carlisle, Pa. This year’s commemorative fly is the “Queen of the Waters” created my Mrs. Elizabeth Benjamin approximately 1858 on Lycoming Creek in Ralston, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Benjamin collected and studied aquatic insects in Lycoming Creek and developed and sold flies to imitate the natural insects she collected on the stream. I imagine that the October Caddis of the Pycnopsyche genus was the inspiration for this elegant wet fly. This week’s image is my commemorative fly donation to the banquet tied on blind eyed hooks with silkworm gut snells as Mrs. Benjamin would have tied and sold them at that time. If you are attending the banquet, you just might get one of these flies to take home with you. Hoping to see many of my friends at the banquet. Till next week …. #ItsAboutTheFish #PFFMA