It’s been many years since I fished on the opening day of trout here in Pennsylvania. I try to avoid driving past a local stream in the fear of what I’ll see there. It is usually a day I spend like so many other days; working on fly orders, writing or doing something that keeps me isolated from the madness and carnival atmosphere that typifies the “Opening Day” tradition. As much as I love trout fishing, I just can’t get caught up in that craziness that opening day can be. After a winter that has kept me glued to my tying desk or a laptop, I had a chance to get my legs wet on opening day and fish special place I’ve grown pretty fond of. What was better yet, was I got to share a day on the water with two great friends. I also had the chance to spend some time with a few of the locals, get my legs wet and get the skunk off for a new year on the water. This week’s pic is one of the wild locals that stopped by and said hello. A wonderful time fishing the opener on a remote wild trout stream, far away from the craziness we often associate with it. Till next week …… #ItsAboutTheFish