Biots can be used to make a segmented fly body that imitates a mayfly’s abdomen better than many other materials. The challenge is keeping them smooth and getting consistent results. Last week I talked about the need to create a smooth underbody. This week is part II which will talk about prepping and tying in the biot. To give yourself the most useable length, pull the biot from the feather stem rather than cut it off. That little extra gives you a good base to grip the biot with your hackle pliers when you wrap it. The next step is to moisten the biot. While turkey biots wrap just fine dry, a goose biots are stiff and wrap much easier if they moist which makes them softer. Put a few in a wet, folded towel or put one in your mouth when you start the fly. It will be ready when you’re ready to tie it in place. The next step is to orient the biot. I tie mine in by the tip with the biot flat on the top of the hook shank. The fuzzy raised edge faces away from me and the thin edge with the notch at the base is oriented toward myself. The first turn of anchor thread must be immediately in front of the dubbing ball, and each successive turn will fall to the right as I work back up to just past the thorax position. I start the first wrap by lifting the biot straight up and wrapping it away from myself, over the top. The raised fuzzy edge will turn toward the tail of the fly. This will create a heavily segmented fly body with a raised rib. Want a smooth effect without a raised rib? Flip the biot the opposite way before you tie down. Next week will be part III. Till next week ….. #Regalvise #RegalPro #DaiichiHook #Unithread