I love seeing all the different versions of Hendricksons that fly tyers are posting on social media lately. Last week I went traditional with a Catskill style Hendrickson using vintage materials, this week I’ll go a different direction. The spinner stage can be an exciting part of fishing any mayfly hatch; and Hendrickson spinners are no exception. When I see them starting to collect over the riffles in the evening, I’ll drop down toward the middle of the pool and knot one of these flies on. This is my Rusty DNA Spinner which I tie in versions with or without an egg sac. Vince Marinaro discussed the important role that refraction and light patterns play in mayfly spinner patterns in his book “In the Ring of the Rise”. This still ranks as one of my favorite books. His recorded observations from his slant tank studies were the inspiration behind this patterns design. Tie up a few before springtime and be sure to tie one on. Till next week …… www.ramsayflies.com #daiichihook #naturesspirit #regalvise #unithread