In the April / May 2020 issue of Fly Fisherman Magazine is my latest article “A Walk on the Wild Side, Blue Lining Pennsylvania’s Class A Wild Trout Streams”. As many people know, I truly love the quiet escape and solitude that these types of streams offer, and the beautifully spotted wild trout that call these often remarkable places home. We are very blessed by what Pennsylvania offers to those that are willing to go off the path and explore these thin blue lines. This article is about my approach to these special types of waters. I hope you enjoy it. A big thank you to editor Ross Purnell and his team for a fantastic job with artwork and layout of this article, and for the opportunity to share my love of these places.
In the next two weeks I will be presenting on this topic beginning Tuesday, March 10 at Stanley Cooper Trout Unlimited in Kingston, Pa., followed by March 14 at the Maryland Fly Fishing Collectable Tackle Show in Towson, Maryland, March 16 at Perkiomen Valley TU in Red Hill, Pa. and March 18 at Muddy Creek TU in Red Lion, Pa. Stop by one of these presentations if you are in the area and take a walk on the wild side. Till next week …. #ItsAboutTheFish